A Word about Snow and Rest

Greensboro is suppose to get 1-2 inches of snow today and it's our first weather event of the year! We haven't seen something more than flurries in 436 days but whose counting. 

The small blast of snow will likely be an annoyance for some but for others could be a welcomed gift of time. 

Greensboro shuts down easily at the sight of snow. It's a little embarrassing but nice when the town gives everyone permission to slow down. I enjoy that part but I struggle with entering into rest. 

School and work can shut down but my mind keeps running.

I can't wait for when the snow is falling and everything just seems quiet. Creation seems to pipe down and the low hum of distant traffic subsides.

I want that same experience of calm in my inner life but that seems unattainable.

In January, I taught a two-week sermon series at Hope Chapel on spiritual rest for the new year. I learned a ton in this study and continue to be reminded of the rest that only God can give. 

Two images from Mark chapters 4 and 5 captured my imagination and heart. The stories I chose aren't obvious texts for soul rest but the presence of Christ alone brings a sigh of relief to those who see him.

The first image was the moment Jesus calmed the storm. He stood between the disciples and the destructive storm then hushed the wind and the waves. Can you imagine the instant calm the disciples experienced?

The second moment was Jesus casting the demons out of the crazy man who lived in the hillside tombs of Galilea. What a amazing sight as the man was sitting in his right mind, clothed and at peace.

I want these examples of quiet, rest and confidence to be real in my life. These talks offer intentional ways to find spiritual rest for your soul. 

If you're local and "snowed in" ;) perhaps you'll have some unplanned time to listen. Let me know what you think. 

In our culture of hurry and distraction, resting in God feels especially important. 

Talk 1 - Christ and the Storm
Talk 2 - Christ and the Demoniac

As the presence of Christ becomes more real in our lives, I truly believe we will grow in our ability to rest in God. 

May it be so.